Dario Musumeci, 24, alumnus of 2013, graduated on Monday in Economics and Management, but since January he has been working in…
Federico Zambelli ha fatto InnovAction Lab nel 2011. Non solo il corso, ma anche il Camp. Oggi ha 25 anni, studia…
Federico Zambelli did InnovAction Lab in 2011. Not just the program, but also the Camp. He is 25 now, He is…
Less than one year ago, Giorgio Sadolfo, 31, was a senior consultant in the IT field. He worked as a freelance. Today he is the…
Giorgio Sadolfo, 31 anni, meno di un anno fa era senior consultant nel settore IT. Lavorava come freelance. Oggi è CEO…
Fabio Mastromatteo is preparing for a master’s degree in Computer Science Engineering. He is 25, he has been playing futsal for…
Fabio Mastromatteo sta conseguendo la laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica. Ha 25 anni, gioca a calcio a 5 da 11 stagioni…
Giacomo Putignano, 25, did InnovAction Lab in 2013 during the last year of his master’s double degree program with two degrees, one…
Giacomo Putignano, 25 anni, ha fatto InnovAction Lab nel 2013 durante il suo ultimo anno di master di un double degree…
Armando Iandolo is 25 and he is a former engineering student. Before signing up for InnovAction Lab he had created Surgery Academy,…