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Startup Revolutionary Road is an initiative which was born with the desire to offer concrete technical and business training opportunities to allow hundreds of young Italians to create more easily new afferent Start-ups in the technological world: the project has the ambition of supporting the employment strategy of the national system by contributing to the decrease of the digital divide and the creation of new jobs.
The project is made concrete in two principal activities:
The Project, cofunded by Microsoft and Cariplo Foundation, is coordinated by Filarete Foundation which manages training activities in collaboration with 4 other partners as well as InnovAction Lab:
– Polihub;
– I3P Incubatore di Imprese Innovative del Politecnico di Torino;
– TechGarage con il Barcamper Tour;
– Italia Camp;
– Talent Garden;
– CYFE – Università di Bergamo;
– Parco Tecnologico Padano.